sexta-feira, 4 de abril de 2014

I'll become a Polyglot.

Alright, then I'm planning to learn as many languages as I can and as fast as possible. I already have a lot of experience trying every kind of technique I lay my hands on and I even created some new ones and the ones I found to be the most effective for me are just the ones I created.
I'm a natural student. I can spend hours reading, I can idle away a shiny summer afternoon buried in books or surfing Internet Teaching Websites. I love to write even more than I enjoy reading, so much so that writing is one my greatest sources of pleasure. Teaching and learning are also two other big sources of pleasure for me. I love to learn and teach in this order. Even if I often love to do both "in disorder".
My next challenge, or mission, is to learn Spanish.
Now Spanish isn't such a great challenge for me since my native tongue is its sister, Portuguese. But anyways, I plan to have a thorough command of Spanish in less than 2 months. Next I'm probably going to study either French or German. Russian, Polish, Swedish, Italian and Lithuanian - yes, I said Lithuanian - are my next love affair cases.
I'm going to keep the readers updated on my continuous effort to become a polyglot in a few years, posting frequently here and elsewhere, in English and Portuguese and in other languages in the near future, so keep in touch, subscribe to this Blog and to my other websites and send me e-mails with suggestions, questions and feedback. I'll be glad to answer everyone.

terça-feira, 1 de abril de 2014

Alexander Arguelles: Poliglota. Mente enciclopédica. Genial.

Aulas de Inglês Conversação 20 reais a hora/aula por Skype. Skype:


Alexander Arguelles

Alexander Arguelles-Chicago, EUA, 30 de Abril de 1964-  é um acadêmico americano de línguas estrangeiras. Ele é notável não apenas por suas conquistas como um poliglota, mas também por suas informações sobre estudo autididático de línguas que ele fornece a estudantes de línguas em fóruns da Web. Ele é filho do poeta Ivan Argüelles e sobrinho do autor New Age José Argüelles.
Entre as várias línguas que aprendeu e que domina está o português.
Pratique seu Inglês ouvindo a entrevista dele no YouTube e lendo o artigo sobre ele. Mas adiante vou traduzir o restante do texto para o português e vou criar uma versão do artigo sobre Arguelles em português na Wikipedia.
Aqui você se dirige ao artigo original em Inglês, da Wikipedia: Alexander Arguelles

Alexander Arguelles is an American scholar of foreign languages.[1] He is notable not only for his achievements as a polyglot, but also for the advice and information about autodidactic language study that he provides to language learners on web forums. He is the son of poet Ivan Argüelles and nephew of New Age author José Argüelles.